Development Stream (DS)

Developmental Stream (DS) Program 

DS is a tryout-based program that involves competitive games and tournaments with teams from other associations across the province. The DS program is offered for the U11, U13, U15 and U18 age groups within the OWHA. All players registered in these House League Divisions are eligible to tryout for DS. 

DS is a subset of the House League Program, not another level of hockey, offering an enhanced opportunity for House League players who are:

  1. Looking for a development bridge to competitive hockey or 
  2. Do not wish to make the commitment, in time or cost, to competitive hockey but are seeking more competition and skill development that is afforded by house league alone

Players selected for the DS team must continue to attend House League games and practices regularly. This may result in DS players having two games or practices on the same day. 


DS Overview 

  • DS includes up to 8 exhibition games against other associations and up to 8 additional team practices
  • DS games are typically held on weekends
  • U11, U13, U15 and U18 DS teams can attend up to 3 tournaments.

DS Tryouts 

Information about the DS program and tryouts will be shared with all registered players, tryouts will take place after November 1st as per the OWHA. 


  1. The Association must offer both Competitive AND House League programs.
  2. DS teams may be formed in U11, U13, U15 and U18 divisions.  
  3. DS teams may only be formed from a registered OWHA House League. All players must be registered within House League in the same division within your association.
  4. A player who is registered to a competitive team CANNOT be on a DS team.
  5. DS teams may only be formed if there are 2 or more teams in the same division.
  6. DS tryouts may begin after House League registration is complete and submitted to OWHA & not before November 1st.
  7. DS registration may commence after House League registration is complete and submitted to OWHA & not before December 1st.  Games may be played once the registration is complete.
  8. Teams may only play 17 players in a game but may roster up to and including 25 players. Pick up players are not permitted for a DS team.
  9. A DS team will not be permitted to register as a competitive team.
  10. DS teams may participate ONLY in DS divisions of sanctioned tournaments.
  11. DS teams are permitted to play a maximum of 8 exhibition games against other DS teams and attend a maximum of 3 DS tournaments each season.
  12. Schedules of exhibition and tournament games MUST be entered on the OWHA online registration system prior to any games being played.  All game scores must be entered as soon as they are complete.
  13. DS teams are not permitted to play in a league.
  14. Players playing on a DS team may also fully participate on their house league team and in house league tournaments.
  15. If a DS team is found to be in violation of requirements, the staff will be suspended and the players will be deemed to be members of the house league only. The Association is subject to losing its approval to operate DS teams for a full season.

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